
Showing posts from June, 2022

MariaDB Installation & Configuration settings for protecting it using NetBackup

  Agenda: 1) About MariaDB 2) MariaDB installation on Linux 3)  MariaDB installation on Windows 4) Create large dummy data for testing 5) Protection using NetBackup 1) About MariaDB MariaDB Server is one of the most popular open-source relational databases. It’s made by the original developers of MySQL and guaranteed to stay open source. It is part of most cloud offerings and the default in most Linux distributions. We could say it's a wrapper over MySQL or compatible drop-in replacement for the widely used MySQL database technology. MariaDB meets the same standard enterprise requirements as MySQL , often with additional features, capabilities and options, and by implementing the MySQL protocol and maintaining compatibility with common MySQL data types and SQL syntax, it's easy to migrate from MySQL to MariaDB without modifying applications. When it comes to performing queries or replication, MariaDB is faster than MySQL . So if you need a high-performance relational database...

Design Patterns

Agenda: In this article, the following points are covered: 1) What is a design pattern? 2) What does the pattern consist of? 3) History of patterns. 4) Why should I learn patterns? 5) Catalog 6) Criticism 1) What is a design pattern? Design patterns are typical solutions to commonly occurring problems in software design. They are like pre-made blueprints that you can customize to solve a recurring design problem in your code. You can’t just find a pattern and copy it into your program, the way you can with off-the-shelf functions or libraries. The pattern is not a specific piece of code, but a general concept for solving a particular problem. You can follow the pattern details and implement a solution that suits the realities of your own program. Patterns are often confused with algorithms, because both concepts describe typical solutions to some known problems. While an algorithm always defines a clear set of actions that can achieve some goal, a pattern is a more high-level descripti...

Design Principles

Agenda This article will cover below things: 1) What are software design principles? 2) Why software design principles important? 3) Various design principles & their details. 1) What are software design principles? Software design principles are a set of guidelines that helps developers to make a good system design. Basically, Software design is only a part of the development process in the design step (please look at the below image about development process). Before we do software  design ( low-level)  we have to complete software architecture (high-level). Choosing an architecture will determine how to deal with performance, fault tolerance, scalability, and reliability. Software design is responsible for code level(low-level) such as, what each module is doing, class scope, methods purposes, and so on. 2) Why software design principles important? “Without good software design, programming is an art of adding bugs to an empty text file” -Louise Srygley I have seen a tr...