Z-Function Algorithm: Substring Search
Agenda: Quick Intro Input Output Complexity Algo Logic C++ Code Real-Life use cases Practice Problem Conclusion Sources for further reading Quick Intro The Z-function is a powerful string-matching algorithm used for pattern matching and searching within a given string. Its primary purpose is to find all occurrences of a specified pattern in the text. Definition: Given a string s of length n, the Z-function produces an array Z where Z[i] represents the length of the longest substring starting from s[i] that is also a prefix of s. Input Text(T): The input to the Z-function algorithm is a single string T of length n . Output Z-Array(z): The output of the Z-function algorithm is an array Z of length n where each element Z[i] represents the length of the longest substring starting from the position i in T that matches a prefix of T . Complexity Time: O(n) Space: O(n) Where, n ---> length of input Text....